Rsistol SEW Liq.
카테고리 없음
2014. 12. 10. 17:17
Rsistol SEW Liq.
Rsistol SEW Liq. is a kind of resist agent that is researched and developed especially for the reactive resist reactive dyes printing on cotton or rayon fabric. It enables Remazol® dyes' reactive group to lose its reactivity with cellolusic fibre,while it does not have any impact on the Cion type dyes' reactive group .So Rsistol SEW Liq. can be used together with Marcozol® CDR & Marcocion® P reactive dyes in illuminating colour and white resist printing for good effect in terms of the above-mentioned characteristics.
Ground colour: VS type dyes'
Illuminating colour: MCT type dyes
The resist printing effect of Rsistol SEW Liq. depends on combination use of the above-mentioned reactive dyes.
- Properties : Appearance: white powder
- Chemical performance : slight reduction
- PH Value:weak alkaline Ionicity:anionic
- Solubility:soluble readily in water
- Stability:good (storage in cool and dry place)
- Small quantity in recipe can result in good definition and resist printing effect.
- It influences the illuminating colour of Marcocion® P dyes very slightly . After preparation of the colour paste , the paste storage stability is very good.
- It does not affect the colour fastness of reactive dyes adversely.
- It does not affect the performance of chemicals in recipe, such as alkali,urea and reduction inhibitor while reactive dyes are fixing on fibre.
- It is suitable for production on various machines ,such as flat printing,screen printing and roller printing for the resist printing .
- Usage and dose: As Rsistol SEW Liq. is good in solubility, it can be directly added into the colour paste.Its dose depends on different printing processes,the depth of discharge dyes,dfferent equipment and substrate .Please note that excessive dose of PWC can easily lead to migration.
- Illuminating colour & ground colour The highly stable M.C.T. dye must be selected and used as the illuminating colour dyes .We recommend Marcozol® CDR dyes and Marcocion® P dyes to be used as the ground and illuminating colour,respectively.
- Complete drying should be noted after ground colour printing.If drying is not complete, colour bleeding and stain will occur.
- After printing,prompt fixation is essential.After storage of fabric for a long time,there are some faulty work and colour patch on the printed fabric,since reduction gas in the air influences the Marcozol® CDR dyes negatively.
- For impregnation of the fabric's ground colour,the drying temperature should be as low as possible after padding.If higher drying temperature results in dyes' pre-fixation ,the resist printing effect will be imperfect.
- After padding,the fabric should be under strict control.In order to prevent the reduction gas in the air from influencing to the fabric ,it should be covered with a piece of plastic sheeting ,followed by immediated steaming.
- replace CLEANTEX PWC